- ahabua kamihai j-oa bari jau
Tomorrow morning 1SG-stand REFL 1SG
“Tomorrow morning I will get up.”
- i-fatan-o ne-hu rorong poi. i-fatang kiai.
1SG-make-O POS-1SG bedroom DEF 1SG-make COMPL
“I organize my bedroom, (till) I finish”
- i-ra-to refui fo. i-rawa i-nari adia.
1SG-go-DIR kitchen DEF 1SG-go 1SG-make fire
“I go to the kitchen. I go and make a fire.”
Note: the word /refui/ which is
glossed here as “kitchen” means literally “behind”, as the kitchen is
behind the house.
- i-fafi warangguai. i-ruai si.
1SG-wash plate. 1SG-wash 3SG.ACC
“I wash a plate. I wash it.”
- ainanaya i-rang-o romang. i-nari anang.
then 1SG-cook-O boiling-water 1SG-make sago-pudding
“Then I boil water. I make a sago pudding.”
- i-rang diang. feaifa i-ran-ai kiai.
1SG-cook fish. also 1SG-cook-3SG COMPL.
“I cook a fish, (till) I finish cooking.”
- i-sahu ne-hu dai,
ne-hu aí
1SG-call POS-1SG father POS-1SG mother
ne-hu roromang tuti ne-hu rorowing.
POS-1SG brother with POS-1SG sister.
“I call my father, my mother, my brother and my sister.”
- i-sahu we coru kiai. co-roma.
1SG-call for 3TR COMPL 3TR-come.
“I call to them all, and they come.”
Note: We would expect here the usage of /ea/ (3PL) instead of /coru/ (3TR).
- tat-ampi, ta-tampi kiai.
4PL-eat, 4PL-eat COMPL.
“We eat, (till) we finish eating.”
Note: surprisingly the 4th person is used, instead of
the 1st person, thus implying the inclusion of the addressee. This
might be a narrative technique.
- j-utang-o ne-hu rorowing katui nei. j-eo tu-wo to romi fo.
1SG-ask-O POS-1SG sister small DEF.
1SG-tell 4DL-row DIR field DEF.
“I ask my small sister, that we row
to the field.”