Written, glossed and translated by Sara Karubaba, summer 2007


Kaisung   kutu       manei    tuti          ne      fiawera

boy          small      one        with        his     dog

U-minohi    u-wati        kidowa     na   botori    rorong

3pl sit         3pl see        frog          in    bottle    inside


A little boy with his dog, they sit, they watch a frog in a bottle.


Uru   u-minohi ao      u-remi    mamong, ampefe u-rawa   u-rena

3pl     3pl.sit     until   3pl.feel  sleep,       so          3pl.go    3pl.sleep

Uru     u-renafo      kidowa   d-a      to     woriai wiru

3pl      3pl.sleep     frog        3sg.go to      out      from

botori   rorong    m-ito

bottle    inside


While they were still asleep, the frog came out of the bottle and run away.


Uru-abari       uru mani   u-wati    botori  d-oarora

3pl.wake.up   3pl  that     3pl.see  bottle   3sg.empty


Those two woke up and saw that the bottle was empty.


Ampefe uru   u-sera

so          3pl


so they looked for it.


Arikang nini, kaisung nini  d-eti      to   neo sepatu rorongpo,

child      this , boy        this  3sg.see  to   his  shoes  inside

wape kidowa bereri

but     frog      no


This child , this boy looked into his shoes, but the frog wasn’t there.


Fiawera s-uba        nung poi to  botori  rorong

dog       3sg.enter   head  its  to  bottle  inside


The dog put its head into the bottle.


Aha , urutamua       u-fai           une       suwireiyai,

Then, both of them   their      window


kaisung  kutu       nei    s-ahu      weo    ne   kidowa foi

boy         small     this   for     his   frog      the


Then, both of them opened their window, this boy called for his frog.


Aha , fiawera  konta  d-oa           na  suwireiyai,

Then, frog       also     3sg.stand   in   window

wape  nung poi   f-iating       to   woriai ehakaha

but      head his    3sg.pull     to   out       no again


Then, the dog also stood at the window, but it couldn’t get its head.


Nung poi   s-atari      to botori   rorongpo  wiro  f-iating    to  woriai    ehakaha

Head  its    3sg.enter to  bottle   inside       but    3sg.pull   to  woriai    no again


Its head that had been put inside the bottle couldn’t be pulled out.


Ampefe kaisung   ne      d-oawo,          fiawera s-awing              to  woriai

So          boy         this    3sg.still stand, dog      3sg.throw itself  to   out

na       suwireyai     

from   window   


So, while the boy was still standing at the window the dog threw itself out the window.    


Aweu                na  kahofafo botorifo tibau.

until /descend    in   land        bottle  .


On reaching the ground the bottle broke.


Aha,    kaisung poi   s-oiri       to ung        aweu    t-efu           ne fiawera

Then,   boy      the    3sg.jump to descend below   3sg.catch   his dog

s-oruwi        kokoi, ne fiawerafoi.

3sg.cuddle   koko , his dog


Then, they also jumped down to catch his dog and cuddle it.


Uru  u-sera         kidowa nariai  awarei  airorong rabuangtai

3pl  frog      again  sampai  forrest        middle


They searched for the frog again reaching the middle of a forrest,

Reaching the edge of a forrest.


Na nanai uru   u-wati     ai      bitoya  , ampefe uru  u-sau     mambiriu paria

In   there   3pl   3pl.see  tree   many, so        3pl  strong      very


There they saw there were trees, so they called loudly.


Uru  u-ra          to ai     rowei, na   ai   nani  aniwa n-yai         nai

3pl    3pl.walk  to tree  one   , in   tree that   bees   3sg.stay    with

They came to a tree, at that tree there were bees.


Fiawera  nei   dawio aniwa foi

dog         this  tease   bees    that


This dog teased the bees


Kaisung nei   d-eti       kamirei  ketui   bei, deitarao     kidowa foi   d-ediwa  nai,

Boy        this  3sg.see  hole        small  one, 3sg.think   frog      that  3sg.hide with

ampefe  s-uang     aweu   to kamirei foi   tuti   s-ahu

so          3sg.ben    down   to hole      that  and


This boy, he saw there was a small hole, he thought the frog was hiding inside, so he bent down to the hole and called.


Kutu, s-ahu       nanai       fiawera nei  n-yai      sonihingno aio            

Now,    progress  dog       this 3sg.stay 3sg-shake   which tree

aniwa  n-yai       foi

bees    3sg.stay   that


Now, while he was calling like this, this dog went and shook the tree that had the bees in it.


Aha   mayeai      kaisung poi    s-ahu      na  kamirei  foi   wape  kidowa

Then  not long    boy       that   in   hole       that  but     frog

kewariai kaha, mae karu     dino     kewariaine ampefe  s-oiri.

appear   no   ,  but  mouse  which  appear        so            3sg.shocked


Then, it wasn’t long that this boy called in the whole, it wasn’t a frog that appears, but a mouse that appeared and he got a fright.


I      s-oiri,             aha   kutu   nanai       fiawerea  nei    s-onihingno  aio

3sg  3sg.shocked   then  while progress  dog          this   3sg.shake     tree

aniwa n-yainai nei,    maieai    aniwa rotang poi   s-awa.

bees    3sg.stay with, not.long  bees    nest    that   3sg. fall


He got a fright, then at that moment this dog was shaking the tree that had bees, so the bees nest fell.


Aha,   kaisung  nei   d-etio    karu      kewariai na kamirei,

Then,  boy        this  3sg.see  mouse  appear     in hole

ampefe d-ahea     d-autai   na   ai    siai     rowei

so         3sg.go     3sg.clim in   tree  other one


Then this boy saw a mouse come out of the whole he climbed up another three.


Kokoi, I      s-era           dohonaio    n-yaina      ai      foi     fe,

Koko, 3sg  don’t until  3sg.stay in tree   that   which,

aio                   fuba  rowei.

which tree      big    one


He searched lest it was in the tree, a big tree.


Tonanai    I       s-obu       ai    foi,   romu bompai kewaraiai

Like.that   3sg   3sg.until  tree that, bird    ghost    appeared

na  kamirei foi,  ampefe  I        s-oiri.

in   hole      that, so          3sg   3sg.shocked


Just as he reached the tree an owl came out from inside a hole and he got a fright.


Soiri,             ampefe  s-awa

3sg.shocked, so          3sg. fall


He got a shock, so he fell.


Nanai       s-awai    aweu fo     aniwa nei    s-ifo     kontaifa,

When       3sg.fall  down that   bees   this also

fiawera nei   m-itai          kontai ampefe m-ito.

dog       this  3sg.scared   also     so         3sg. run


When he fell the bees also flew, the dog was also scared and ran.


Aha, kaisung nei   m-ito    to kamia fuba bei, d-eo         d-ediwa  teai

Then, boy      this to rock    big   a  ,  3sg.want  3sg.hide  maybe


Then the boy ran to a big rock, maybe he wanted to hide.


Deo          d-ediwa

3sg.want   3sg.hide


He wanted to hide


Wape kutuo   I      m-ito     nanai,        romu pinang foi,

But     when   3sg  progress    bird   big       that,

s-ifo        na   nung  wowong po.     in   head   above     his


But when he ran thus, the big bird flew above his head.


Aha,    I      m-itoa    d-autai      d-oanao     kamiai wowong foi   ambori   s-ahu.

Then,  3sg   3sg.climb  3sg.stand  rock      above     that  then


Then, he ran up and stood on top of the rock, then called.


Wape  wiro  s-ahu      weo kidowa foi  kaha, I     s-ahu       we  ne

But      not   for  frog      the  that,  3sg  3sg. call  for  his

 fiawera foi,    weo       fiawera foi    m-ito      ampa

dog        that,  because       dog       that  already


But, he didn’t call the frog, he called his dog, because the dog had run away.


Maeai             andowa faura     manei dama, s-oroai  arikang

No.long.time  deer       horn      one     come, 3sg.take     child

nei    d-oa          na  kamiai wowong

this   3sg.stang   in  rock     above.


It wasn’t long that a large deer arrived, its horn above the rock where the boy stood.


Faura foi , s-oroai                 arikang  nei   w-iana    nunggkamiai foi,   k-iari       mito.

Horn that, 3sg.make climb   child      this   3sg.stay  head              that  3sg.take


The horn lifted him up onto the deer’s head and run away with him.


Weo fiawera d-etio    ampefe fiawera foi    m-ito     d-awi i

Because   dog       3sg.see so          dog       that it


Because the dog saw , it also followed, chasing.


Awao taterai dereung, andowa faura foi    k-ebio       arikang poi

Until   valley edge     , deer       horn  that  3sg.throw  child     that

na we         taterafo, aha  fiawera kontai  weo       m-itofo   d-etio    wetatera fo

in  which   valley,    then dog       also     because   3sg.see  valley    that

dofongpo kaha ampefe s-awa     konta to kofa

infront      not   so          3sg.fall  also   to descend


Reaching the edge of a valley the deer threw the child in the valley, then the dog also fell, because when running it didn’t see the valley in front, so it also fell with the child into the valley.


C-etawai na wetatera foi   aweu     mani c-osobu katai wemereafo

3pl.fall    in  edge       that descend that   3pl.find place water


The fell into the valley into the water.


we          katai mereafo moruto kaha, ampefe cerarang

because  place water      deep    not  , so          safe


because the water wasn’t not deep , they were safe.

Arikang poi    j-uai    fiawera foi   s-oduati            wiana     warabeawa foi,

Child     that   3sg.lift dog      that  3sg.make clibe  3sg.stay shoulder     that,

nungkamiai   foi         s-oi         to                rei

head               his        3sg.go    to / aim for  land


The boy lifted his dog onto his shoulder, his head, then walked aiming for land.


Wape   u-tarami  amani kidowa manei d-ohong    rarutu

But       3pl.hear  there   frog       one     3sg.make  rarotu


But they hear the sound of frog.


Ampefe arikang nei    d-eisarai             we  fiawera fo     k-iamangtawani,

So          child     this   3sg.make know  for  dog       that  3sg.make sign




So the boy told –made a sign for his dog”quiet


Ampefe fiawera nemboru

So          dog       quiet


Ururuhia u-rauna      ai     robong  tibata rowei,

Two         3pl.climb  tree  trunk     fall     one

w-iarurang waya dereung.

3sg.stay      river  edge


The two of them climbed a tree trunk that was at the edge of the river.


Arikang mang nei    d-autai      to   ai     raing,  na   ai     raing   poi

Child     boy    this   3sg.climb  to   tree  above, in   tree  above  that


d-  eti     aweu       mani   kidowa  mandu  u-minohi na  ai    neung poi

3sg.see   descend  that     frog        two       3sg. sit    in  tree below that


The boy climbed up onto the tree then from the top of the tree there they looked down there were two frogs sitting under the tree there.


Kidowa  m-inohi   na  ai     neung  poi   maeai

Frog       3sg.sit     in   tree  below  that   no.long.time


 mani  ne arikangposa   e-ra            e-fauma

that     its child-child     3sg.come   3sg.many


Frogs sat below the tree there, after not lon many other baby frogs came.


Arikang mang nei   d-etio    weo neo   kidowa  kontai ria    sa     fe

Child     boy    this  3sg.see  for   his    frog       also     with they perhaps


The boy watched, perhaps his frog was there.


I      d-etia     mani  tarai   kontai ampefe  I      s-uan      aweu

3sg  3sg.see   that   right   also     so          3sg  3sg.bent down


k-ia         ne    kidowa  foi.

3sg.take  his   frog       that


He looked , it was there, so he bent down and picked it up.


I         s-uan       aweu   k-iari,      aha   u-rawa nina

3sg.    3sg.bent  down   3sg.take, then  3sg.go  already.


He bent down and picked it up, and then those two went home.


Ure           u-rawa     mani aringkan poi   d-eti      berahi

3pl.want   3pl.walk  that    child      that   3sg.see  return

tuti   j-uai     warang weo kidowa manei fosa

and  3sg.lift  arm       for   frog      which other

na   e-minohi na ai     robong w-ia       rurang mereha foi.

In    3sg.sit     in  tree trunk    3sg.stay  edge    water   that


As they were going home the boy turned and raised his hand to the other frogs that were sitting on the big tree by the edge of the water.